Saving the list of inserted variables into a file and loading the variables from this file

How to save the list of the variables already inserted in the Values of Variables view:
(Restriction: The prepared values that are specified in the column Prepared Value will not be saved into the file.)

  1. Click  in the toolbar of the view.

  2. In the dialog, enter a name for the file and click .
    Result: The file is automatically stored as XML-format in the sub-directory .settings\variableView of the appertaining â†’project. By default, this file and the sub-directory are not visible within the project explorer.
    If the view contains variables from different projects, one file with the entered name is created for each project.

How to load variables into the Values of Variables view from a list of the variables that you have saved previously:

  1. Make sure that the project for which you want to load the variables into the view is opened within the project explorer. If this is not the case, open or import this project.

  2. Click  in the toolbar of the view.

  3. In the dialog, select one of the displayed files and click .
    Result: The variables are inserted into the view, if the corresponding project is open in the project explorer. The view shows the values for the variables only, if the application has been loaded onto the PLC and the execution of the application has been started.